Programs on Purposeful Living

Mankind has been through evolution over 1000s of years and this evolution has taken away our capacity to experience the infinite side of our lives physiologically, psychologically and spiritually. We live in a world where the sole purpose seems to be survival. We are born, we learn the skills, we study, we work, raise a family and we die. Is that the meaning behind the creation of us? Is that our purpose? Our brain sends us many responses not just to this question but any inquiry that we pose ourselves. Am I in love? I am not sure. Am I passionate about music? Could be. Manifesting diseases by age 30 is a norm today. That wasn’t the case even 100 years ago. It time that we asked ourselves if this is how we were meant to live? If this is all we are meant to be? If this is truly our purpose? If this is who we are?

The answers do not lie anywhere outside but within us. Different things drive different people to know themselves more deeply. Whether it is our body’s need to heal from life threatening issue, whether it is to discover the deep wisdom or a skill we are born with or to know meaning behind us and life or maybe to figure out our purpose. Aashwasan does not give answers but helps each one of us discover our own. Aashwasan designs and organizes unique programs for this very purpose, known as programs for purposeful living, for the first time in the world. These programs stand as hope for everyone and anyone who is seeking answer from life. Whether it is because of a health condition, a need to rejuvenate and reconnect to nature, or discover our purpose..

Aashwasan brings an experience of Aashwasan Spiritual Retreat, first of its kind in the world, to put you in touch with the infinite side of us which is in touch with the universe. Specially designed for those of us who feel that our life is just passing us by and we are standing there as observers. It seems as if we do not have any say in it. We suffer illnesses without knowing why; we go through experiences which shatter our faith in our life; we feel stuck and don’t know how to move ahead from there. We ache to experience our potential and possibilities. To realize that when we reach the inner world life is beautiful. It is beautiful when we love our life, when we enjoy ourselves, when we feel one with everything around us. It is beautiful when our body feels light and healthy. It is beautiful when our mind is free from fear, insecurities and unknown worries. It is beautiful when we are able to do everything that we want. When we know that our life is meaningful. [Contact us] to know more

Aashwasan services in its unique way, is used to diagnose and address the root cause of various health issues and restore body’s optimal mechanism breaking fundamental patterns of the body and mind which reflect issues of health. Aashwasan offers Wellness Retreat to rejuvenate body, mind and soul, and restore optimal physiological & psychological well being to bring deep harmony in life. Healing brings individuals in touch with their infinite self making them look forward to a better life, take decisions, accept themselves and live 100% in the moment to make life happy and fulfilled.

The Wellness Retreat is offered for a week or two based on the need of the individual. It comprises of intense sessions of Aashwasan healing’s and several other interactive labs and workshops. [Contact us] to know more

Aashwasan conducts awareness programs on various topics to bring in the deeper knowledge of human evolution, mechanism and experience. Today human existence is experienced in fragments. Everything is compartmentalized and categorized, to the extent that we don’t know what the big picture is. Aashwasan through awareness brings out relationship between all these fragments of experience by bringing out the core essence of creation. This brings clarity to truth and reality that goes beyond all cultures, belief systems, religions, creed or caste. It is as applicable to individuals as it is to the collective. Eg We are at loss for reasons for epidemic of lifestyle issues such as cancer, lifestyle stress, cardiovascular disease etc. While we know what to do about the symptoms, it somehow does not seem to have the desired effect. Where do we go from here to find a solution. [Contact us] to know more