Corporate Social Responsibility

We all cherish in our hearts, a dream of living in an ideal society where there is love, respect and compassion. All of us want to feel the warmth, the happiness and grace in our lives. However, many of us get stuck in routine. We spend our lives securing our future while paying no attention to the present moment and the needs of ourselves and others in the ‘now’. We feel that that we should have enough before we can reach out to others. We do not feel the need to contribute to the lives of other’s, whether they are our own loved ones’, colleagues or the needy. But the beauty of life is this – only when we give do we receive. Only when we make the effort to reach others do we create a different society. Ultimately, it is we who make the society what it is.

‘Social Responsibility’ is a recently coined term which reflects the nature of getting by giving. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been implemented and is being practiced by many organizations across the globe. Some take it as just giving away part of the companies profits to align with this new trend or to comply with Government regulations, but a few take it seriously, in the light it was intended, as an opportunity to be involved in and inculcate significant change in society. Those, who see it as an opportunity to reach out and to positively affect society, feel richer themselves by being part of the experience. Where Corporate Social Responsibility is addressed through procedures, practices and company policies, it’s fundamentals lie at the level of moral responsibility and ethics of it’s people. How and what fellow humans in need and the environmental and community concerns mean to the employees. It gives the people in the company a chance, a structure within which to explore and experience that holistic connection in their lives, while actually helping others. Corporate Social Responsibility refers to overall accountability of the organization to the society. The organization takes responsibility for its conduct, produce, service and relationship with respect to the society of which it is a part.  It serves to connect the individual to the organization and the organization to the society at large. The organization is the key to creating harmony both within and outside of it’s self. Only when the organization can transform itself (via it’s people), it can transform the society and community.
Involvement in CSR activities is a truly transformatory experience for organizations and their employees. Being accountable for the service and deep engagement of its members with the society and community brings in a sense of empathy and humaneness.

Corporate Social responsibility involves five key ingredients:

Identify: A corporate identifies their core purpose and answers the question “Who they are”. They, then identify contributions they can make to the society and community based on their fundamental identity.

Take responsibility: Based on the above step, they define the change they want to bring in the society. They also define how and to whom they are going to contribute. They commit to giving and understand the value in that for others and themselves.

Redefine: Organizations may redefine policies, practices, processes, roles to accommodate the above.

Track: Monitoring and measuring the efficacy of the CSR initiatives through tracking.

Collaboration: An organization, and the people within it, begin to realize that it is not and cannot be independent of the ecosystem and it chooses to redefine its connections, make sustainable impact, to delve below the surface of separation and connect in a deeper and more meaningful way, to be more compassionate and mutually supportive. Relationships of members of the organization evolve. They become more sensitive and the relationships are characterized by empathy and compassion. Hidden talents become apparent and the organization itself evolves. Aashwasan offers a deep collaboration to support organizations to become a Socially Responsible Company in a way which is deeply meaningful and purposeful to the organization and its individuals. Aashwasan brings its know-how of organizations on one side and caters to develop society at the other through collaboration.